To celebrate Cruz Azul F.C. winning the Copa MX Ap 18, we designed, produced and installed the graphics for the cup's stage.
Promotion on social networks.
Installation process of the press conference back at Estadio Azteca
Press conference back at Estadio Azteca
Head coach Pedro Caixinha giving a press conference
Brochure to promote Bus ride tour to Cruz Azul Soccer Team Stadium
Original bus blueprint
Final front and back bus design
Final sides design
Installation process for the adhesive vinyl
Installation process for the adhesive vinyl
Finished project
Finished project
Online news coverage
Online news coverage
Online news coverage
Original Press Conference Room in CRUZ AZUL FC, La Noria, Mexico City
Final proposal for the new Press Conference Back
Actual interview with the new Press Conference Back
Final proposal for the new Back for interviews at the Cruz Azul Stadium
The new Back for interviews at the Cruz Azul Stadium
New Press Conference Room in CRUZ AZUL FC Stadium
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